tThis restaurant management system is a prime example of utilizing Angular, Node.js, and MySQL to create a streamlined solution for optimizing restaurant operations. It serves as a foundational project, providing hands-on experience in web application development.
The development of this restaurant management system served as a foundational project for understanding the fundamentals of web application development using Angular, Node.js, and MySQL. Through this endeavor, I gained invaluable insights into building robust and efficient software solutions tailored to the specific needs of the food service industry. This project provided hands-on experience in utilizing these languages and tools to create responsive and intuitive web applications, laying the groundwork for future endeavors in software development.
The project involved the development of various backend APIs and frontend pages to facilitate seamless user interaction and management within the restaurant management system. We began by creating robust APIs for user signup, login, and password management, ensuring secure authentication and easy access for users. Additionally, we implemented functionalities for category and product management, enabling users to add, retrieve, and update information effortlessly. Furthermore, we developed APIs for bill generation and handling, streamlining the billing process for both users and administrators. These APIs were complemented by corresponding frontend pages designed for intuitive navigation and user-friendly experience. Overall, our efforts culminated in a comprehensive system that empowers restaurant staff with efficient tools for managing their operations.